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What is Wicca?

In this post, we will discuss Wicca's history, beliefs, and practices. This modern pagan religion emerged in mid-20th century England. It was founded by Gerald Gardner, who aimed to revive ancient pagan practices from various cultures and civilisations. The core beliefs of Wicca include a deep reverence for nature, polarity, and personal responsibility. Wiccans celebrate the Wheel of the Year and its eight Sabbats with unique customs, symbolism, and rituals. The Wiccan Rede is an ethical guideline that emphasises personal responsibility and the importance of avoiding harm to others or oneself.
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white and black concrete statue

Art of Mesopotamia

The Mesopotamians believed that their deities ruled their everyday life and that they had to appease them through various offerings and practices. Their art reflected this belief, which often featured religious and royal themes. The Mesopotamians also produced functional art, which served an aesthetic purpose and differentiated objects by their function or ownership. Cylinder seals, for example, served as a form of identification and authentication and bore intricate illustrations that narrated a tale, a historical event, or a mythological story. The art of Mesopotamia profoundly impacted human civilisation, and its legacy can still be seen today.
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The Archeo by Nick Bantock

The Archeo: Personal Archetype Cards

I recently read Nick Bantock's book, Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence, and discovered his oracle deck called The Archeo. As someone who appreciates surrealistic art, I was fascinated by his unique approach to creating a novel using postcards and including surrealistic pictures. I was excited to explore his oracle deck and see if it lived up to my expectations. In this post, I will share my experience with the deck and give you my review of it.
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Rider Waite Major Arcana cards

Beginner’s Guide to Tarot

The tarot can be a powerful tool for personal growth and reflection, helping individuals understand their lives and the world around them. With countless tarot decks available, each with unique symbolism and interpretation, there's something for everyone in the world of tarot. From the traditional Waite-Smith system to modern decks incorporating different themes and artistic styles, the tarot provides a wealth of insights and perspectives to the reader. So why not take a journey through the mystical world of tarot and discover the secrets hidden within the cards?
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A wall painting at lascaux cave

Prehistoric Art

Take a journey back to the dawn of civilisation with prehistoric art. From cave paintings and petroglyphs to sculptures and megaliths, this era encompasses a wide range of art forms that reflect early humans' evolving social and cultural environment. Imagine standing in the pitch-black darkness of a cave, illuminated only by flickering torches, as you gaze upon the mesmerising and mysterious cave paintings. Exploring prehistoric art forms is like peering into a window into the past.
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white pillar candle beside silver and black hair brush

Introduction to Occultism

The study of hidden or secret knowledge and practices has always been a source of intrigue and fascination for those seeking to understand life's mysteries. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of occultism and esotericism and learn how those two terms differ. We will also learn about the history of occultism, from its roots in ancient civilisations to its current-day practitioners. Whether you are interested in astrology, numerology, divination, or any other form of esoteric knowledge, this post is for you.
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The Empress The High Priestess The Magician