10 Types of Spells: Practical Magic for Everyday Use

Spells are powerful tools for shaping energy and manifesting your desires. Whether you're new to the practice or a seasoned witch, understanding different types of spells is essential for honing your craft. In this post, we'll explore 10 distinct types of spells that cover a wide range of intentions, from love and protection to banishing negative energy. Each type of spell comes with practical tips for incorporating them into your daily life, helping you create the magical results you seek.

Spells are the heart of witchcraft, turning your intentions and energy into real results. They allow witches to influence different parts of life—whether it’s emotions, relationships, money, health, or something else—by shaping the world to fit their desires. Through rituals, words, and symbolic tools, spellwork harnesses universal energy to create change.

With so many types of spells, it can feel overwhelming. But starting with the basics gives you a solid foundation. Each spell serves a unique purpose, yet they all share one key principle: aligning your thoughts, energy, and intentions. In this post, we’ll explore 10 of the most common types of spells, showing you how to use them effectively and ethically. By incorporating these spells into your practice, you’ll be able to overcome challenges, manifest your goals, and deepen your spiritual path.

Love Spells: Attracting Romance and Strengthening Relationships

Love spells are perhaps the most popular and widely recognised type of magic. Rooted in the desire for connection, these spells can be used to attract new love, strengthen existing relationships, or foster deeper self-love. However, love spells are not solely about romance—they also encompass familial bonds, friendships, and even self-acceptance. At their core, love spells focus on amplifying the positive, loving energy that already surrounds you and creating space for more love to enter your life.

It’s important to approach love spells with pure intentions, as they can be highly emotional. Rather than trying to manipulate another person’s feelings or force a specific outcome, love spells should aim to create an environment where love can naturally flourish. When performed with clarity and sincerity, these spells can open doors to meaningful connections and foster an atmosphere of affection and harmony.

Casting a love spell isn’t a guarantee of instant romance, but it can help open your heart to the possibility of love. Whether you’re seeking to attract a new partner, heal old relationship wounds, or improve self-love, love spells are about cultivating positive energy and setting the stage for emotional growth.

Love spells can also be transformative for self-care. Many practitioners use these spells not just to find a partner but to nurture their own sense of worthiness and emotional fulfilment. Self-love spells are powerful tools for fostering confidence and personal growth, helping you approach love from a place of wholeness rather than neediness. Incorporating these spells into your practice can shift your mindset about love, allowing you to attract balanced and harmonious relationships.

Practical Tips for Love Spells

  • Clear Intention: Be specific about what you want to attract. Are you seeking a new romantic partner or want to deepen your bond? The clearer your intention, the more focused your spellwork will be.
  • Use Correspondences: Incorporate elements that symbolise love, such as rose petals, pink or red candles, and rose quartz. These materials are traditionally associated with love and can help reinforce the energy you wish to manifest.
  • Timing Matters: Perform love spells during a waxing moon, which is ideal for drawing things to you. Fridays, ruled by Venus, are also great for love magic, as Venus is the planet associated with love, beauty, and attraction.
  • Visualise the Outcome: Focus on the feeling of love as you cast your spell, whether it’s self-love or romantic affection. Envision the joy and warmth that love brings into your life, and hold onto that emotion throughout the ritual.
Love spells are one of the many types of spells.
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on Pexels

Protection Spells: Creating Boundaries and Shielding from Harm

Protection spells are essential in any witch’s toolkit. They act as shields, defending you from negative energies, harmful influences, and psychic attacks. Whether you need protection for yourself, your loved ones, your home, or even your workspace, these spells provide peace of mind by creating energetic barriers that ward off danger and ill intent. Protection spells are especially useful when you’re feeling vulnerable or exposed, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

The key to a successful protection spell is reinforcing your own energy field, fortifying it against harmful external forces. You can bolster your spiritual defences by working with protective correspondences—such as crystals, herbs, and symbols. Protection spells can be simple, such as carrying a protective amulet, or more elaborate, involving full rituals to cleanse and secure your space.

Protection spells can also be proactive, helping to prevent negative situations before they occur. Many witches perform regular protection rituals to maintain a strong, energetic boundary, ensuring they are safeguarded from unwanted influences. These spells don’t just shield against external harm—they can also help protect against internal negativity, such as self-doubt or fear, which can drain your energy and block your success.

Protection spells are not only for emergencies but can also be part of your regular self-care routine. By frequently reinforcing your energetic boundaries, you create a more secure, peaceful environment for yourself. Over time, protection spells help you become more resilient to negativity, empowering you to face challenges with strength and confidence.

Practical Tips for Protection Spells

  • Set Up Wards: Use protective symbols or talismans around your home, such as pentacles, black tourmalines, or obsidian. These objects act as anchors for protective energy, creating a barrier that wards off harm.
  • Elemental Protection: Invoke the elements—earth for grounding, water for cleansing, air for clarity, and fire for strength—to reinforce your protective spell. You can call upon these natural forces to build a strong, energetic barrier.
  • Protective Herbs: Burn protective herbs like sage, rosemary, or lavender to cleanse and create a shield around your space. The smoke from these herbs dispels negative energy and fills your environment with positive, protective energy.
  • Visualisation: Imagine a sphere of white or golden light surrounding you, forming an impenetrable barrier that keeps negative energies at bay. Visualise this shield around you regularly, especially before entering potentially draining or harmful environments.

Healing Spells: Restoring Health and Well-being

Healing spells focus on restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit. Whether you are recovering from physical illness, emotional trauma, or spiritual imbalance, healing spells offer a way to accelerate the recovery process and promote overall well-being. While they are not a substitute for medical treatment, they can provide complementary support, enhancing your body’s natural healing abilities and fostering a holistic approach to health.

Healing magic often involves working with natural elements—such as water, herbs, and crystals—that are known for their restorative properties. Water, in particular, is a powerful symbol of healing, cleansing, and renewal, making it a common element in many healing rituals. Additionally, working with healing deities, angels, or spirit guides can enhance your spellwork, providing spiritual support and guidance during times of need.

Healing spells can also be used to mend emotional wounds. Emotional and mental health is just as important as physical well-being, and many healing spells are designed to address issues such as anxiety, grief, or heartache. By nurturing your emotional health, you can restore balance to your overall energy field, leading to a deeper sense of peace and wholeness.

Healing spells require patience and self-compassion. While the results may not be immediate, consistent use of healing magic can improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Over time, you’ll learn to trust in your body’s natural ability to heal, and your spells will help guide that process to completion.

Practical Tips for Healing Spells

  • Energy Healing: Visualise a healing light surrounding the affected area or person. Use your hands to direct energy toward the area in need of healing, imagining the body and spirit regenerating and restoring balance.
  • Crystals for Healing: Incorporate healing crystals like amethyst for emotional balance, clear quartz for physical healing, or selenite for spiritual recovery. Hold or place these crystals near you during your healing ritual for enhanced energy.
  • Herbal Remedies: To promote well-being, use healing herbs like chamomile, lavender, or peppermint in teas, baths, or spell sachets. Incorporating these herbs into your daily routine will support your healing intentions.
  • Self-Care Integration: Combine your healing spell with real-world actions, like getting enough rest, eating nourishing foods, and staying hydrated. Magical healing works best when you give your body the practical support it needs to recover.
I love shooting hands and flames. They have so much emotion, so much movement, especially when the frame is still. The sage makes this shot a trinity of serenity for me, and I try to fit in the frame those subjects that remind me who I am. This shot is one of them, it’s the pinnacle of simplicity, feeling, and candid. It’s family.
Photo by Brittany Colette on Unsplash

Banishing Spells: Removing Negative Energy and Unwanted Influences

Banishing spells are designed to clear away negativity, toxic influences, or unwanted energies from your life. They are particularly effective when you need to remove harmful people, bad habits, or stagnant energy that’s holding you back. These spells work by creating a clean slate, allowing you to let go of what no longer serves you and make space for new, positive experiences.

Banishing spells can take many forms, from simple salt cleanses to more complex rituals involving powerful spirits or deities. Regardless of the method, the goal is the same: to release negativity and restore balance. Banishing spells are not inherently destructive; they are acts of liberation, removing blocks that prevent you from achieving your full potential. This makes them essential for anyone looking to break free from patterns of toxicity, whether in relationships, work, or personal habits.

Before performing a banishing spell, it’s important to clarify your intentions. What exactly are you trying to remove from your life? Banishing spells should always be performed with a sense of finality—you are cutting ties, letting go, and moving forward. This type of spell is especially useful when you feel stuck in a situation that is draining your energy or preventing you from growing.

Banishing spells is transformative, empowering you to reclaim control over your life and create the space needed for new opportunities and growth. However, once the spell is complete, it’s essential to fill the void left behind with positive energy, ensuring that negativity doesn’t return.

Practical Tips for Banishing Spells

  • Cleansing Baths: Take a ritual bath with salt, rosemary, and other cleansing herbs to wash away negativity and stagnant energy. As you bathe, visualise the unwanted energy being drawn out of your body and dissolved into the water.
  • Use Fire for Release: Write down what you wish to banish on a piece of paper, then safely burn it in a fireproof dish or cauldron. As the paper turns to ash, visualise the energy or influence being released and transformed.
  • Banishing Crystals: Use black tourmaline or obsidian in your rituals to absorb and transmute negative energy. These stones act as powerful agents of protection and can help reinforce your intentions to banish unwanted forces from your life.
  • Chanting and Incantations: Recite specific incantations or chants during your ritual, reinforcing the energy of banishment. Your words are a powerful tool in focusing your intention and sending away unwanted energy.

Money Spells: Attracting Abundance and Financial Prosperity

Money spells are aimed at attracting financial wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Whether you’re looking to increase income, land a job, or simply create a more stable financial foundation, these spells can help align your intentions with the energies of abundance. Money spells often involve the use of symbolism related to wealth, such as coins, dollar bills, or green candles (associated with prosperity and growth).

The key to success with money spells is maintaining a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. This means focusing on the opportunities for wealth surrounding you instead of dwelling on lack. By doing so, you create an energetic magnet for financial success. Money spells are not limited to attracting cash—sometimes, they can manifest in the form of opportunities, gifts, or even favourable situations that improve your financial standing.

However, money spells should always be used with respect for balance and ethics. Seeking financial abundance at the expense of others can lead to negative repercussions. It’s important to perform these spells with gratitude for what you already have and with the intention of fair exchange, where you and the world benefit from your prosperity.

Money spells can also be combined with real-world action. For example, after performing a spell, you might take proactive steps such as improving your budgeting, investing, or pursuing new career opportunities. Magic works best when partnered with practical efforts, creating a holistic approach to financial growth and success.

Practical Tips for Money Spells

  • Money-Drawing Oils and Powders: During your spell, use money-drawing oils, such as cinnamon or patchouli, to anoint candles, wallets, or coins. These oils are thought to enhance the flow of financial energy into your life.
  • Symbolic Representation: Use objects like coins, gold-coloured items, or green candles to represent wealth in your spell. These symbols act as physical manifestations of abundance, reinforcing your intentions.
  • Visualisation: Picture money flowing into your life like a river. See yourself financially secure and abundant, enjoying the fruits of your prosperity. Visualisation strengthens your connection to the energy you’re calling in.
  • Gratitude Rituals: Express gratitude for the wealth you already possess. By appreciating what you have, you align yourself with a vibration of abundance, which attracts even more prosperity into your life.
A twenty-four year old woman counting dollar bills.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Success Spells: Boosting Achievement and Confidence

Success spells are designed to enhance your chances of achieving your goals, whether in your career, studies, or personal ambitions. These spells increase your confidence, sharpen your focus, and open doors to new opportunities. Success spells often involve working with symbols of victory, such as laurel leaves, gold candles, or the rune Sowilo, which represents the sun and success in Norse mythology.

At the heart of success spells is the cultivation of personal power. These spells help you harness your inner strength, boost your self-belief, and give you the momentum needed to overcome obstacles. Whether you’re preparing for an important presentation, working toward a promotion, or tackling a creative project, success spells can help you align your energy with the vibration of achievement.

However, success spells are not just about external accomplishments—they also encourage personal growth and development. By fostering a mindset of resilience and determination, these spells can help you approach challenges with confidence and persistence, leading to long-term success in all areas of your life.

Success spells are a powerful way to boost your confidence and help you achieve your ambitions. However, like all magic, they work best when paired with effort and persistence. By combining spellwork with hard work and dedication, you’ll create a solid foundation for both immediate and lasting success.

Practical Tips for Success Spells

  • Set Clear Goals: Be specific about what success looks like for you. Whether it’s acing a test or landing a job, clear goals help you focus your spellwork and measure your progress.
  • Use Solar Energy: Perform success spells during the day, especially at high noon, when the sun is at its peak. Solar energy is associated with vitality, confidence, and success.
  • Candle Magic: Use gold or yellow candles in your success rituals, as these colours symbolise triumph, achievement, and personal power.
  • Affirmations: Incorporate positive affirmations into your success spell. Repeat phrases like “I am confident, capable, and successful” to reinforce your intentions and keep your mindset focused on success.

Luck Spells: Inviting Good Fortune

Luck spells are all about attracting favourable outcomes and increasing the likelihood of good fortune in your life. These spells are often used before important events, such as interviews, exams, or competitions, where a bit of extra luck could tip the scales in your favour. Luck spells work by aligning your energy with the frequency of good fortune, making you more receptive to positive outcomes and synchronicities.

Symbols commonly associated with luck include four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, and acorns, all of which can be incorporated into your spellwork. Green is the colour most often used in luck spells, as it represents growth, fertility, and positive outcomes. Additionally, some practitioners work with spirits or deities associated with luck, such as Fortuna, the Roman goddess of fortune, to enhance the potency of their spells.

Luck spells are often simple and can be performed quickly when you need a boost. However, it’s important to remember that luck is about being in the right place at the right time, so while luck spells can increase your chances of success, they won’t guarantee it. Keeping an open mind and being adaptable is key to making the most of the luck that comes your way.

Luck spells can provide a helpful boost when you’re preparing for events or navigating uncertain situations. They help create a mindset of expectation and possibility, making you more aware of the fortunate opportunities that come your way. When combined with action and a positive outlook, these spells can help turn the odds in your favour.

Practical Tips for Luck Spells

  • Carry a Lucky Charm: Create a small charm bag with items that symbolise luck, such as a four-leaf clover, a coin, or a green crystal like an aventurine. Carry this charm with you for an extra dose of good fortune.
  • Use Lucky Herbs: Herbs like cinnamon, basil, and allspice are believed to bring luck. Incorporate them into your spells by using them in incense, oils, or as offerings.
  • Timing Your Spell: Perform luck spells during a waxing moon to attract new opportunities and favourable outcomes. Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter, are excellent for luck spells because Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune.
  • Mind Your Attitude: Stay positive and open to possibilities. A mindset of gratitude and optimism naturally attracts luck and helps you recognise opportunities when they arise.
A Lucky four leaf clover next to a clover bloom
Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash

Binding Spells: Restricting Harmful Influences

Binding spells are used to restrict or neutralise harmful behaviours or energies that could cause damage to yourself or others. These spells are typically performed when someone’s actions or words are negatively affecting you, and you need to stop the harmful influence. However, it’s important to approach binding spells with caution, as they involve interfering with another person’s will.

Binding spells don’t aim to cause harm but rather to prevent it. They can be used in situations where someone’s behaviour is out of control or causing distress, such as in cases of bullying, gossip, or manipulation. By binding the harmful influence, you create a barrier that prevents further damage, allowing space for healing and resolution.

While binding spells can be highly effective, they should always be used ethically. It’s important to remember that these spells are not about punishing others but about protecting yourself and maintaining peace. Once the situation is resolved, many practitioners will perform an “unbinding” spell to release the bound energy and restore balance.

Binding spells are a form of defensive magic, providing protection when someone’s behaviour threatens your well-being. However, they require careful thought and responsibility. Always consider the potential consequences of restricting someone else’s energy, and use binding spells only when necessary.

Practical Tips for Binding Spells

  • Symbolic Binding: Use a cord or string to bind the negative influence symbolically. As you tie knots in the cord, visualise the harmful behaviour being restricted and rendered powerless.
  • Reflective Surfaces: Incorporate mirrors into your binding spell to reflect negative energy back to its source, preventing it from affecting you.
  • Ethical Consideration: Before performing a binding spell, ask yourself if there are other ways to resolve the situation. Binding should be a last resort, used only when all other options have been exhausted.
  • Unbinding Rituals: Once the situation is resolved, perform a ritual to release the binding. This ensures that the situation’s energy is fully cleared, preventing any lingering negativity.

Dream Spells: Enhancing and Controlling Your Dreams

Dream spells focus on influencing your dream world, either by enhancing dream recall, invoking lucid dreams, or seeking guidance through your dreams. They’re particularly useful for people who want to tap into their subconscious or use dreams as a tool for divination and problem-solving. Dream spells often involve setting intentions before bed and using tools like crystals, herbs, or dream journals.

This type of spell can be helpful if you’re trying to get clarity on a situation, resolve unresolved emotions, or even explore spiritual dimensions through your dreams. You can also perform dream spells to help protect against nightmares or unwanted psychic intrusions.

To make the most of dream spells, it’s important to maintain a consistent bedtime ritual and create a peaceful sleeping environment. By aligning your conscious intentions with your dream state, you allow messages from your subconscious or the spiritual realm to flow more freely.

Dream spells are a subtle but powerful way to tap into the deeper layers of your consciousness. By paying attention to your dreams and performing rituals to enhance them, you can uncover hidden wisdom and bring more clarity to your waking life.

Practical Tips for Dream Spells

  • Set an Intention: Before going to bed, write down a question or intention related to what you hope to dream about or achieve during sleep. Keep it simple and focused.
  • Crystals for Dreams: Place amethyst or moonstone under your pillow or by your bedside. These crystals are known for enhancing dream recall and promoting spiritual insights.
  • Herbal Sachets: Create a small sachet filled with mugwort or lavender and place it under your pillow. Mugwort enhances vivid dreams and prophetic visions, while lavender promotes restful sleep.
  • Dream Journal: Keep a journal next to your bed and write down any dreams as soon as you wake up. This practice helps improve dream recall over time and can offer insights into recurring themes or symbols.
dream catcher
Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash

Fertility Spells: Encouraging Growth and New Beginnings

Fertility spells are designed to promote the creation of new life, ideas, or projects. They can be used by individuals who are trying to conceive a child or by those looking to encourage creative or personal growth in other areas of their lives. Fertility spells often call upon the energies of the Earth, the Moon, and other symbols of creation and abundance.

While fertility spells are frequently associated with physical reproduction, they can also be used to help “birth” new opportunities or projects. Whether you’re starting a business, a creative endeavour, or even seeking personal transformation, fertility spells help cultivate the energy needed for growth and manifestation.

These spells are best performed during the waxing moon or on days dedicated to fertility deities, such as Ostara or Beltane. When performing a fertility spell, it’s important to focus on nurturing and abundance and to ensure that your intentions are in harmony with the natural cycles of life and growth.

Fertility spells are about cultivating potential and nourishing it into reality. They help you align your energy with the cycles of growth, allowing you to bring forth new life—whether that’s a child, a project, or a personal transformation.

Practical Tips for Fertility Spells

  • Symbols of Fertility: Incorporate symbols like eggs, seeds, or the image of a pregnant figure into your spell. These items represent the potential for new life and growth.
  • Earth Magic: If possible, perform your fertility spell outdoors. Planting a seed or tending to a garden can symbolically represent the process of nurturing new life.
  • Use of Herbs: Include herbs like rose, pomegranate, or red raspberry leaf, which are associated with fertility and nurturing energy. You can use these herbs in teas, incense, or charm bags.
  • Visualisation: Picture yourself surrounded by the energies of growth and abundance. Whether you envision a new child or a new project, visualise it coming to life and flourishing under your care.


Spells are a powerful way to connect with the energies of the universe and manifest your desires. From love and protection to success and banishing, each type of spell offers unique benefits and can be tailored to suit your personal needs. By understanding the core principles behind these 10 types of spells, you can enhance your magical practice and create positive changes in your life.

As you work with these spells, remember that magic is most effective when it is combined with practical action. Spells are not a replacement for real-world efforts but rather a complement to the steps you take toward your goals. By weaving magic into your everyday life, you’ll find that you’re able to navigate challenges with greater ease, confidence, and clarity.

When practising magic, always act with intention, respect, and ethics. The energy you send out into the world will eventually return to you, so it’s important to approach spellwork with a sense of responsibility and mindfulness. Doing so ensures that your magic will bring about positive, transformative results for yourself and those around you.

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The Esoteric Witch
The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.