The Esoteric Witch

The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.
Seasons of the Witch Imbolc Oracle

Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle

The Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc Oracle is a deck of 44 cards designed to help people navigate the changes associated with the festival of Imbolc. It is part of a series inspired by the Wheel of the Year and offers guidance and inspiration to those seeking it. The deck features cosy art and comes with an excellent guidebook that provides valuable information about each card.

pink and white flower bloom during daytime close-up photography

Wheel of the Year – Imbolc

Imbolc is an old Gaelic festival celebrated on February 1st or 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc has a rich history and deep roots in Celtic mythology. The festival was originally celebrated as a tribute to Brigid, a triple goddess known for her poetry, smithing skills, fertility, and healing talents. Imbolc is a time of renewal, purification, and the coming of spring, and it is still celebrated by many worldwide. Some traditions and rituals associated with Imbolc include spring cleaning, creating Brigid's Cross, making kitchen magic, building an altar, lighting candles, and making incense blends.

selective focus photography of faceted red gemstone

Steps in the Pathway to the Philosopher’s Stone

The creation of a Philosopher's Stone is a transformative process, encompassing four distinct stages - nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo. The nigredo stage involves breaking down the base materials, reducing them to their essential components. The albedo stage purifies the substance, eliminating impurities. The citrinitas stage introduces new elements, replacing the old and manifesting the desired properties of the philosopher's stone. The rubedo stage signifies the ultimate achievement. This alchemical journey is a path of self-discovery and spiritual transformation, leading to the realization of one's true potential and the attainment of enlightenment.

Sixth woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine's Azoth

Alchemical Concepts and Their Symbols

This post explores some of the most famous alchemical concepts that have gained recognition and become widely associated with alchemy among the broader audience throughout history. It delves into the meanings and symbolism behind the Philosopher's Stone, Caduceus, Ouroboros, and Azoth and their significance in alchemy and beyond.

Alchemy elements chart annotated inscribed in a Metatron

Alchemical Symbols as a Key to Occult Information

Alchemy is a practice that combines philosophy and science, and the study of transformation is at its core. Alchemical symbols are a visual language representing different substances, processes, principles, and concepts in the alchemical tradition. They played a crucial role in alchemy's practical and mystical aspects and facilitated the transmission of knowledge across cultural and linguistic boundaries. Alchemical symbols are grouped into three main categories: symbols for the elements, compounds and substances, and processes.


Lilith’s Influence on Witchcraft and the Occult

Lilith, a figure in mythology and folklore, has been depicted as a demon, a witch, and a goddess. Her story, adapted and retold by various cultures, is a testament to female empowerment, rebellion against patriarchal authority, and the mysterious aspects of femininity. Lilith's journey, a popular theme in literature and art, has recently propelled her to the status of a feminist icon. In the occult, Lilith is often invoked as a goddess of transformative power and spiritual rebellion, her complexity understood by practitioners. To create an altar for Lilith, practitioners can infuse their space with symbols such as an owl, serpent, pomegranate, or lunar imagery. The offerings of wine, dark chocolate, pomegranates, or other feminine and sensual foods serve as a tangible expression of respect for her spiritual significance.

Picture of Hekate

Hekate – The Goddess of Witchcraft

Hekate is a Greek goddess associated with crossroads, night, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. She is considered the goddess of magic because of her ability to bestow magical powers on humans. She has become the patron of witchcraft for many modern witches. Hekate's origin is debated among scholars, and her name's etymology is uncertain. In Greek mythology, Hekate is generally considered the daughter of Perses and Asteria and the granddaughter of Phoebe. She is associated with childbirth, healing, death, and the underworld. Hekate is often depicted as a triple goddess with three heads and three bodies, holding torches and a key around her neck. Dogs, snakes, and owls are also closely associated with her.

Notoria - Tarot in Light Deck

Notoria: Tarot in Light

Notoria: Tarot in Light deck is a tarot deck created by Fabio Listrani and published by Lo Scarabeo. It features angels and other beings of light from the lore of Ars Notoria, which is the fifth book of the Lesser Key of Solomon. The deck comes with a visually appealing deck box and comprises 78 cards, each measuring 70x120 mm. The artwork shows angels and other beings of light with an intriguing 3D feel, and the colour scheme is red, gold, and white. The accompanying guidebook provides some background information about topics such as the ranks of angels and Sephiroth, as well as small sections about each card. The deck is specifically designed for those interested in working with angels. It can be used as a complementary deck to the Goetia: Tarot in Darkness deck or as a standalone deck for divination sessions or rituals concerning angelic magic.

Solomon receives the Ars Notoria from the angel Pamphilius in the Jewish Temple.

The Ars Notoria: A Mysterious Medieval Text

The Ars Notoria is a medieval grimoire that outlines rituals and prayers aimed at spiritual development, enlightenment, and the acquisition of knowledge. But what exactly is the Ars Notoria, and what secrets does it contain? In this blog post, we will explore the history of this fascinating text, its unique meditation techniques, and its enduring legacy.

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