Different Ways to Use Tarot Cards

This post explores various ways to use tarot cards, including divination, using spreads, combining with oracle cards, as a tool for inspiration and meditation, as well as for decoration or as a piece of altar or art. It also provides some popular tarot spreads, such as the Celtic Cross spread and the Three-Card spread and suggests ways to use tarot cards in combination with oracle cards to gain more specific insights or guidance. Finally, the post highlights how tarot cards can be a great source of inspiration for writers and artists.

Have you ever thought about what tarot cards really are? They might seem like simple pieces of paper at first glance, but trust me, they can be so much more. Tarot cards are a fascinating art form that can be used in countless ways. Whether you use them for divination, decoration, or as a tool for meditation, the possibilities are almost endless. In this blog post, I’ll share some ways to use tarot cards you might not have thought of before. I encourage you to try them out and share your experiences and insights with our community. So, let’s dive in and explore the uses of tarot cards together!

Ways to Use Tarot Cards for Divination

One of the most direct and empowering ways to use tarot cards is for divination. After all, isn’t that their primary purpose? We’re all familiar with the classic three-card spread, which offers insights into our past, present, and future. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. By engaging with tarot cards in this way, we can tap into our own intuition and wisdom, guiding our own paths with confidence and clarity.

Card of the Day

The tarot card of the day method is one of the easiest ways to add tarot cards to your routines. It is also a popular way to get insights into your daily life. For instance, drawing the ‘Ace of Cups’ might suggest a day filled with emotional fulfilment, while the ‘Tower’ card could indicate a day of unexpected change. It involves drawing a single tarot card daily to gain clarity and guidance on what to expect, what to avoid, and what to focus on.

The process of drawing a tarot card of the day can vary depending on the person’s preference. Some prefer to shuffle the deck while focusing on their intention for the day, while others let some tarot card app or online tarot card generator choose the card for them. You might even use oracle cards, which are similar to tarot cards but often have a different structure and purpose if you like.

However, it’s important to remember that the tarot card of the day is not a prediction of what will happen. Instead, it’s a tool to help you gain awareness of the things happening around and inside you and how to navigate them to create the best possible outcome.

Using Spreads

Tarot spreads are probably the most popular way to use tarot cards. A spread is a pre-determined pattern of card placements representing different aspects of the person’s life, situation, or query. Each card’s position and relation to the other cards in the spread provide additional information and context to the reading. For example, a card in the ‘past’ position might represent a past event or influence that is still affecting the situation, while a card in the ‘future’ position might suggest a potential outcome. Even if you know all this already, remember to explore. Guidebooks may give you some basic spreads, but the Internet is full of all kinds of spreads. You can even make your own if you feel like it.

One of the most popular tarot spreads is the Celtic Cross spread. This ten-card layout provides insight into the person’s current situation, obstacles, and potential outcomes. Another popular spread is the Three-Card spread, representing the past, present, and future aspects of the person’s life or query. The Horseshoe spread is also well-known and used to provide insight into the person’s past, present, and future, as well as their hopes and fears. Other popular spreads include the Relationship Spread, the Career Spread, and the Decision-Making Spread.

The timing of tarot readings with spreads depends on the person’s preference and the situation. Some people prefer to do a reading with spreads weekly to gain insight into the upcoming week’s events, while others may opt for monthly readings. Full moon and new moon readings are also popular as they offer insight into the current and upcoming lunar cycles’ energies. I personally like to do readings on Sabbats, which are seasonal festivals celebrated in many modern Pagan and Wiccan traditions.

Some Spreads to Get You Started

Combine with Oracle Cards

Using tarot cards and oracle cards together can be a powerful combination. While tarot cards offer a structured system with specific meanings and symbolism, oracle cards are more flexible, with a broader range of themes and messages. Combining the two can offer a more nuanced and layered reading, allowing you to tap into your intuition and receive guidance on different aspects of your life.

One way to use tarot and oracle cards together is to use the tarot cards to explore a situation’s overall theme or energy and then use the oracle cards to gain more specific insights or guidance. For example, you could pull a tarot card to represent the current energy of a relationship and then draw an oracle card to gain insight into what actions you can take to improve the relationship.

Alternatively, you could use an oracle card to gain insight into a specific question or issue and then use a tarot card to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying patterns or influences at play. The key is to stay open and receptive to the messages and trust your intuition as you interpret the cards.

Ways to Use Tarot Cards for Inspiration

Tarot cards can be a great source of inspiration for writers and artists. Each card in the deck represents a different archetype or theme, from the powerful and authoritative Emperor to the intuitive and mystical High Priestess. One way that writers can use tarot cards for inspiration is by using them to design characters for a novel. By pulling a card randomly and interpreting its imagery and symbolism, writers can create unique and complex characters rooted in the archetypes the cards represent.

Additionally, tarot cards can be used to generate plot ideas or themes for a story. By reflecting on the meanings and symbolism of the cards, writers can uncover new ideas and themes that they may not have considered otherwise. For example, a writer might draw the Tower card and use it as the basis for a story about a character who experiences a sudden and dramatic upheaval in their life. Tarot cards offer limitless possibilities for creative inspiration and are valuable for any writer or artist looking to expand their imagination.

Even if you are not a novelist, you can still use tarot cards to inspire your writing and journaling. Draw a card and think about it while you write about your day. Consider how it might relate to your current situation and what insights you can gain.

Ways to Use Tarot Cards for Meditation

Many people use tarot cards to gain insight and clarity on their thoughts and emotions. When used in meditation, tarot cards can help individuals focus on a specific aspect of their life or a question they may have.

To use tarot cards in meditation:

  1. Start by selecting a card that resonates with your current state of mind or the question you want to explore.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind.
  3. As you look at the card, focus on its imagery and symbols.
  4. Allow your thoughts to flow freely and see where your mind takes you.

You may find that the card brings up certain emotions or memories. Alternatively, you may find that the card provides insight into a particular situation or relationship in your life. Whatever comes up, try to observe it without judgment and allow yourself to experience the moment fully.

You can also use tarot cards to set intentions or affirmations for your meditation practice. Choose a card that represents the energy or quality you want to cultivate in your life and focus on that intention throughout your meditation session.

Ways to Use Tarot Cards as a Piece of Your Altar

Tarot cards can serve as a powerful tool to create a personalised altar. Each card portrays a different character, symbol, or emotion, representing various aspects of your life, personality, or spirituality. Including tarot cards on your altar can add depth and significance to your spiritual practice. You can select cards that symbolise the deities, elements, or emotions that are important to you and place them on your altar, along with candles, crystals, and other symbols. When you use tarot cards on your altar, you can meditate on their meanings and draw inspiration and guidance from them. Doing so can help you connect with your intuition and enhance your spiritual practice.

For instance, if you are drawn to goddesses like Hekate, linked with magic, divination, and the underworld, you may want to create a tarot altar devoted to her. You can place your deck on a cloth or altar tile, surrounded by candles, images, and crystals representing her. When using tarot cards on your altar, it is crucial to approach them with esteem and respect and take the time to set your intention and request guidance and protection.

Ways to Use Tarot Cards As Art

Tarot cards are known for their spiritual significance and beautiful artwork. Their intricate designs and rich symbolism have inspired many artists to create their own unique interpretations of the cards, using various mediums such as painting, drawing, and digital art. Some tarot deck creators even sell prints of their card art, allowing fans to display their favourite cards as wall art.

If you’re looking to incorporate spirituality and creativity into your home decor, using tarot cards as art could be an excellent option. Framed prints of your favourite tarot cards can serve as a reminder of the meanings and symbolism of the cards. Furthermore, creating your own artistic interpretations of the cards can be a meditative and reflective practice.

Ways to Use Tarot Cards in Games

There has been a recent increase in the popularity of board games and card games that use tarot cards. These games often feature tarot decks as a core mechanic or thematic element, providing a unique twist to traditional tabletop gaming. Players can use these games to explore tarot symbolism and meanings while enjoying a fun and challenging gameplay experience.

One example of such a game is The Covens of Midnight, an upcoming tarot-based solo RPG. A solo RPG is a role-playing game that can be played alone without needing a game master or other players. In The Covens of Midnight, you face challenges by drawing tarot cards. The result is determined by your character’s abilities and the task’s complexity.


Tarot cards are a versatile tool that can be used in many ways beyond divination. From daily guidance to creative inspiration, tarot cards offer a wealth of possibilities for those willing to explore them. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Who knows, you might just uncover a hidden talent or passion along the way.

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The Esoteric Witch
The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.