Rank: Prince or President
Ruling Angel: Iehuiah

Associated Symbols:

Associated Colours: Black, red, purple, light green, orange

Suggested Offerings: Balsam, moss, chamomile, camphor, tin



Information About Gaap

Gaap is a powerful spirit who commands 66 legions of other spirits. He is both a president and a prince among them. Gaap often appears when the Sun is in the southern signs, taking the form of a human with huge bat wings. He is usually accompanied by four formidable kings.

Gaap has many talents. He can teach liberal sciences and philosophy, as well as incite love and hatred. He can manipulate human perception, which enables him to provide true answers about the past, present, and future. He can also separate summoners from their familiars. Furthermore, at the command of his master, Amaymon, Gaap can facilitate fast and efficient transportation and provide instruction in the consecration of divination objects.

Illustration and Sigil of Gaap

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The Esoteric Witch
The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.

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