64. Haures

Rank: Duke
Ruling Angel: Mehiel

Associated Symbols: Leopards

Associated Colours: Green, purple, orange, red

Suggested Offerings: Copper, sage, sandalwood, rue, copal, sage

Warnings: He is a spirit of destruction and can lie


Information About Haures

Haures is a powerful demon and a great Duke of Hell, known for his ability to give accurate answers to all things present, past, and future. According to the Lesser Key of Solomon, he appears at first like a mighty, terrible, and strong leopard. However, when commanded by the magician, he can put on a human shape with flaming, fiery eyes and a terrible countenance. 

According to some texts, Haures should be commanded into a triangle. Otherwise, he will lie and deceive the magician. Haures can talk about the world’s creation, divinity, and how he and other spirits fell. Should he so desire, he can destroy and burn up those who are the magician’s enemies. Also, he will not allow the magician to be tempted by any other spirit. Haures governs 36 legions of spirits.

Illustration and Sigil of Haures

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The Esoteric Witch
The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.

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