68. Belial

Rank: King
Ruling Angel: Habuhiah

Associated Symbols: Angels, a flaming chariot

Associated Colours: White, yellow, black, green, brown

Suggested Offerings: Gold, cedar, balm, vetivert, lemon, patchouli, sandalwood

Warnings: Can be a trickster


Information About Belial

Belial is a mighty and powerful king of demons. He is described as appearing as two beautiful angels sitting in a chariot of fire. Belial speaks with a comely voice, distributes presentations and political offices, and gets favours from friends and foes. He is known to give excellent familiars and governs 50 legions of spirits. However, it is essential to note that he must have offerings, sacrifices, and gifts presented to him, or he will not answer their demands accurately. According to the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Weyer, Belial was created immediately after Lucifer and is believed to be the father and seducer of the orders that fell.

Sigil of Belial

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The Esoteric Witch
The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.

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