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view of brown ruin during daytime

Ancient Greek and Hellenistic Art

Both Ancient Greek and Hellenistic art have made a significant impact on Western art and society. Ancient Greek art was focused on humanism, portraying a realistic yet idealised human form, while Hellenistic art was characterised by emotional intensity, realistic illusions, and theatricality. Greek artists were renowned for their skill in working with multiple materials, including marble, bronze, terracotta, and gold, and their attention to detail. Pottery, produced in large quantities, was also a significant aspect of Ancient Greek art. In addition, Ancient Greek architecture is characterised by its simplicity, symmetry, and use of columns and pediments.
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4 Kerzen

Wheel of the Year – Yule

Yule is one of the eight Pagan holidays in the Wheel of the Year. It marks the winter solstice, which is the longest night of the year. This festival originated in ancient pagan festivals in Scandinavian and Germanic cultures. It was a time to celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Some Yule traditions include lighting the Yule log, decorating evergreen trees, giving gifts, giving acts of kindness, and spending time with loved ones. Yule rituals focus on reflection, renewal, and hope. They may include burning a wreath, a candlelight vigil to honour loved ones who have passed away, or a meditation on hopes and dreams for the coming year. Yule's message is about spreading joy and kindness to those around you.
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Egyptian Art

Ancient Egyptian Art

From monumental sculptures and grand temples to intricate jewellery and painted murals, Egyptian art has captivated people for centuries and continues to do so even today. The art of ancient Egypt is characterized by a consistent and iconic style that portrays religion, pharaohs, and the afterlife. So, join me on this journey as we uncover the secrets of hieroglyphs, pyramids, and everything in between.
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Fablemaker's Animated Tarot Deck

The Fablemaker’s Animated Tarot

The Fablemaker's Animated Tarot Deck is a unique deck of cards that incorporates lenticular technology into the cards, making each card feature an 8-frame looping animation that comes to life when the cards are tilted. The deck includes all 78 Major and Minor Arcana cards, and the set comes with an easy-to-follow guidebook explaining each card's meaning. The deck's innovative approach to tarot, combined with the guidebook, makes it an excellent tool for beginners looking to learn tarot. The deck's artwork is visually stunning, captivating, and memorable, thanks to the brilliant work of Kamille Areopagita, Kevin Areopagita, Liam Gregg, and Meredith Smallwood.
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maple leaf illustration

Wheel of the Year And Wicca

The Wheel of the Year is a calendar incorporating historical and cultural traditions. It comprises eight Sabbats, each marking a specific point in Earth's orbit around the sun. The four major Sabbats are celebrated at the solstices and equinoxes, while the cross-quarter days are celebrated between them. The Wheel of the Year signifies the rhythm of the natural world and our place within it. Each festival and ritual associated with the Wheel of the Year has its own unique traditions but shares the common theme of celebrating the cycles of nature and our connection to it.
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witchcraft, spooky, pentagram

What is Wicca?

In this post, we will discuss Wicca's history, beliefs, and practices. This modern pagan religion emerged in mid-20th century England. It was founded by Gerald Gardner, who aimed to revive ancient pagan practices from various cultures and civilisations. The core beliefs of Wicca include a deep reverence for nature, polarity, and personal responsibility. Wiccans celebrate the Wheel of the Year and its eight Sabbats with unique customs, symbolism, and rituals. The Wiccan Rede is an ethical guideline that emphasises personal responsibility and the importance of avoiding harm to others or oneself.
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white and black concrete statue

Art of Mesopotamia

The Mesopotamians believed that their deities ruled their everyday life and that they had to appease them through various offerings and practices. Their art reflected this belief, which often featured religious and royal themes. The Mesopotamians also produced functional art, which served an aesthetic purpose and differentiated objects by their function or ownership. Cylinder seals, for example, served as a form of identification and authentication and bore intricate illustrations that narrated a tale, a historical event, or a mythological story. The art of Mesopotamia profoundly impacted human civilisation, and its legacy can still be seen today.
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The Archeo by Nick Bantock

The Archeo: Personal Archetype Cards

I recently read Nick Bantock's book, Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence, and discovered his oracle deck called The Archeo. As someone who appreciates surrealistic art, I was fascinated by his unique approach to creating a novel using postcards and including surrealistic pictures. I was excited to explore his oracle deck and see if it lived up to my expectations. In this post, I will share my experience with the deck and give you my review of it.
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