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Astral Temple – How to Build a Secret Place For Your Practice

In this blog post, we explore the process of creating your own Astral Temple—a secret, sacred space built within your mind for spiritual practice. Unlike a physical altar, an Astral Temple exists solely in the ethereal realm, allowing you to perform rituals, meditations, and magical work in private, no matter where you are. We’ll guide you through understanding what an Astral Temple is, preparing your mind, setting clear intentions, and the imaginative steps needed to construct and energize your temple. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or a space for deep magical work, your Astral Temple can be customized and expanded to suit your evolving spiritual journey.

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woman in white dress sitting on ground under tree during night time

Practicing Witchcraft in Secret

This blog post shows how witches and pagans can maintain a private spiritual practice. While we live in an increasingly accepting world, many choose secrecy to avoid conflicts with family and workplace stigma or to keep their spirituality personal. This post offers you practical tips for creating discreet altars using everyday objects, utilising digital platforms for virtual altars and spellwork, and blending magic into daily routines like cooking and bathing.

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a person kneeling down with their hands on a book

Exploring Different Types of Witchcraft

This blog post explores the diverse world of witchcraft, detailing 15 distinct types, each with unique practices and philosophies. From green witches who harness nature's power to shadow witches who delve into the unconscious, each path offers insights for personal empowerment and spiritual growth. The exploration highlights how various traditions allow practitioners to connect with their environment, heritage, and inner selves, celebrating the rich tapestry of beliefs and practices within the craft.

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Mass Effect Inspired Tarot

The Mass Effect-inspired Tarot deck offers a beautiful and unique experience for fans of the game series. The cards, standard Tarot size with a soft-touch finish, boast intricate mosaic-like artwork and gold foil details that add a luxurious feel. While the cards are slightly sticky when shuffling and come in a flimsy, self-assembled box, the design and quality of the cards themselves shine. The Reapers on the card backs are a striking feature, tying the deck back to the darker themes of Mass Effect. The accompanying guidebook includes spreads and card keywords but lacks descriptions of the artwork, making it best suited for seasoned fans of the game. Despite some minor cons, the deck delivers a stunning and immersive Tarot experience.

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Tarot Obscuro

The Tarot Obscuro is an enigmatic tarot deck that captivates users with its dark imagery and intricate symbolism. Each of the 78 cards, printed on high-quality, environmentally-friendly cardboard, showcases a masterful blend of artistic techniques, inviting exploration of the subconscious. The accompanying guidebook, larger than the cards, enriches the experience with detailed interpretations, astrological connections, and engaging narratives for each card. While the deck's soft-touch lamination can make the cards slightly sticky, the overall quality and artistic vision create a powerful tool for personal exploration. Tarot Obscuro offers a transformative journey into the mysteries of the self, making it a standout addition to any tarot collection.

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