Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle

The Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle deck is a visually stunning and meaningful deck that captures the essence of the Yule season. It consists of 44 standard-sized cards with shiny green gilt edges and a semi-gloss finish, featuring beautiful artwork inspired by nature and magical symbolism. The deck has a clear and consistent Yule theme running throughout, and each card is tied to a specific aspect of the season. The guidebook is extensive and provides valuable information about the deck's design, authors, and artists as well as comprehensive explanations of each card's meaning and Yule-related spreads.

As the wheel of year turns, Yule reminds us of warmth, happiness, and time to be thankful for all that we have. For centuries ancient healers have celebrated the restorative energy of the Yuletide festival, the traditional harsh winters reminding us of our innate ability to weather storms and find support and comfort with loved ones.

Product description from the publisher

Personally, I always enjoy a deck that has a specific theme or a unique concept. That’s why I was immediately drawn to The Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle. One of the things I love about this deck is that it has a clear and consistent theme that runs throughout. Each card is tied to a specific aspect of Yule. Without a doubt, you can learn a lot through the deck’s symbolism.

This deck is part of a larger series that is based on the Wheel of the Year. It is a concept which marks the changing of the seasons and the various pagan festivals that occur throughout the year. At the time of writing this blog post, most of the decks in the series have already been published. The remaining ones are on their way shortly. This means that you can soon easily collect the entire set and have a complete system for divination and reflection tied to the Earth’s natural cycles.

+ Cosy art style
+ Excellent guidebook
+ Perfect for Wheel of the Year -related oracle readings
+ Quality is good
– You will get addicted and end up buying all the decks in this series

About the Creators

Lorraine Anderson, founder of Spirit Element and The Spirit Guides, has over a decade of experience as an herbalist, aromatherapist, crystal healer, and practitioner of magical and earth-based arts. In addition to her work experience, Anderson’s work draws from her diverse cultural heritage, which includes Beninese, Romanian, and Irish traditions.

Juliet Diaz is an Indigenous Taino Cubana, a Behike, and a literary and spiritual activist. Her award-winning work has been translated into twelve languages. It encompasses everything from Witchery and Plant Witchery to The Altar Within and a series of children’s books. Furthermore, Diaz is also the publisher of Spirit Bound Press and Little Cauldron, promoting diverse and inclusive literature.

Giada Rose is a Kentucky-based illustrator passionate about mythology, folklore, and historical costume. Her watercolour paintings are infused with a longing for the old ways and a love of nature, femininity, and divinity. With a nomadic spirit that reflects her upbringing across seven American states and Italy, Rose’s work transports viewers to a bygone era.

Cards and the Artwork

The Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle deck is a stunning and meaningful deck that captures the essence of the Yule season. The deck consists of 44 cards, each measuring approximately 9 x 12.5 cm (3.5 x 5″), making them standard-sized. The cards feature a beautiful, shiny green gilt edge, which gives them a magical touch. Although the card stock is not the thickest, the quality is good, and the finish is semi-gloss, making them easy to shuffle.

The artwork on each card is inspired by nature, which adds a sense of grounding to the deck. The vibrant colours, intricate details, and magical symbolism create an appealing mystical feel. This visually stunning deck is perfect for anyone looking to connect with the earth and the cycles of nature.

The art style of this deck is both warm and cold. It combines the freezing snow and the warmth of a fireplace. For example, the women depicted have stern expressions on their pale white faces. Still, the feeling you get from the feast depicted in another card gives you pleasant memories. Without a doubt, a lot of care went into designing these cards.

Each card has a picture that covers the whole card, with a text that tells you the card’s name placed on top of the picture. In addition to the title, there is a short passage on the card. It gives you something to think about from a Yule-related perspective. Each card also has its own number, making finding the card in the guidebook easier.

This deck is visually appealing and designed to encourage self-improvement, self-care, and personal growth. It is a perfect tool for those who want to connect with the Yule season and explore their inner selves.

The Guidebook of the Seasons of the Witch: Yule

The guidebook of this deck is extensive and provides a wealth of information for the user. First, it contains information about the authors and artists, giving the user a good understanding of the creative minds behind the deck. Second, it provides some background information about the deck’s design. This helps the user contextualize the deck and make it feel more personal.

Moreover, the guidebook is full of exciting suggestions for using the deck. For instance, there is a spread that helps the user get to know the deck before using it. Furthermore, there are several Yule-related spreads, which are perfect for getting in the right mood during the holiday season.

The guidebook has got you covered if you are looking for guidance in understanding the meaning of various cards. Each card is explained comprehensively, with valuable keywords to help you identify the intended meaning. Furthermore, the detailed descriptions associated with each card provide valuable background information and advice to help you make sense of the card’s meaning and how it relates to your current situation.


Overall, if you are interested in pagan spirituality, nature-based wisdom, or just beautiful and unique tarot decks, The Seasons of the Witch series is definitely worth checking out. Its cohesive theme, stunning artwork, and deep symbolism will offer you new insights and perspectives on the world around you. As Yule is here again, The Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle is an excellent way to start collecting this series.

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The Esoteric Witch
The Esoteric Witch

I am a passionate software developer from the beautiful town of Kaarina, Finland. In my free time, I explore the fascinating world of art history and occultism. I am fascinated by the stories behind the great works of art and the hidden meanings behind the symbols used in the occult. My interests also include Tarot and oracle cards, which I find to be great tools for self-reflection and personal growth. I am always on the lookout for interesting books and resources related to witchcraft, and I enjoy exploring different rituals and practices.