Tag Introduction

white pillar candle beside silver and black hair brush

Introduction to Occultism

The study of hidden or secret knowledge and practices has always been a source of intrigue and fascination for those seeking to understand life's mysteries. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of occultism and esotericism and learn how those two terms differ. We will also learn about the history of occultism, from its roots in ancient civilisations to its current-day practitioners. Whether you are interested in astrology, numerology, divination, or any other form of esoteric knowledge, this post is for you.

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woman in black long sleeve shirt sitting on floor

Introduction to Art History

In this post, we embark on an exciting journey into the fascinating history of art. The first step on this journey is to delve into the basics of art history. Through art history, we can understand the different artistic movements, techniques and styles that have shaped the art world over the centuries. Grab your paintbrush and let's get started on this exciting journey of discovery!

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