Tag Lo Scarabeo

Alice in Wonderland Oracle

Alice in Wonderland Oracle

The Alice in Wonderland Oracle deck, created by Paolo Barbieri, is designed with user-friendliness in mind. With 36 beautifully crafted cards, the deck captures the essence of Wonderland through vibrant and intricate illustrations. Each card offers a snapshot of the original story, serving as a delightful piece of memorabilia and a powerful tool for introspection and divination. The guidebook, though concise, is structured and multilingual, providing sufficient information for beginners and including suggested rituals and interpretations to enhance the oracle reading experience.

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Notoria - Tarot in Light Deck

Notoria: Tarot in Light

Notoria: Tarot in Light deck is a tarot deck created by Fabio Listrani and published by Lo Scarabeo. It features angels and other beings of light from the lore of Ars Notoria, which is the fifth book of the Lesser Key of Solomon. The deck comes with a visually appealing deck box and comprises 78 cards, each measuring 70x120 mm. The artwork shows angels and other beings of light with an intriguing 3D feel, and the colour scheme is red, gold, and white. The accompanying guidebook provides some background information about topics such as the ranks of angels and Sephiroth, as well as small sections about each card. The deck is specifically designed for those interested in working with angels. It can be used as a complementary deck to the Goetia: Tarot in Darkness deck or as a standalone deck for divination sessions or rituals concerning angelic magic.

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Goetia - Tarot in Darkness Deck

Goetia: Tarot in Darkness

The Goetia: Tarot in Darkness is a tarot deck designed for those interested in goetic demons. It comes with visually appealing cards and a guidebook that could have been better. The deck can be used as a traditional tarot deck but also as a goetic ritual tool. The artwork is unique and well-suited to the theme. The guidebook covers topics such as Goetia, Kabbalah, Qlippoth, and the use of the cards. It's recommended to read the Ars Goetia to fully experience the potential of this deck.

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