Tag Realism

Realism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the 19th century as a reaction against Romanticism. Realist artists and writers sought to depict everyday life and society as they truly were without romanticizing or idealizing them. They focused on ordinary people and their experiences, often addressing social and political issues. Realism aimed to provide an accurate and unembellished portrayal of the world, emphasizing truth and accuracy in representation.

The Luxembourg Gardens by Albert Edelfelt, 1887


Realism in art is a style that emerged in the mid-19th century. It aims to depict subjects with truth and accuracy, without embellishment or interpretation. It focuses on portraying everyday scenes, ordinary people, and familiar objects, thus diverging from the idealised narratives seen in previous art movements. Realism art emphasises the accurate representation of life as it actually is, often casting a critical eye on the social conditions and realities of the time.
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The Empress The High Priestess The Magician