Tag Symbolism

Symbolism in art became a prominent movement during the 19th century. Artists used symbolic imagery to convey mystical, spiritual, and emotional ideas. Symbolism was a reaction against the realistic representation of the world found in academic art at the time. Symbolist artists sought to express their inner thoughts and feelings through symbols, allegories, and dreamlike imagery. The movement encompassed a wide range of artistic forms, including painting, literature, and music, and had a significant influence on subsequent art movements such as expressionism and surrealism.

The Death of the Grave Digger by Carlos Schwabe, 1895


Symbolism is an artistic and cultural movement that emerged in the late 19th century. The movements shifted the focus from objectivity to expressing unseen emotions, profound ideas, and symbolic narratives. In this post, we will explore symbolism's origins, key characteristics, and influence across various artistic mediums, highlighting its role in bridging the gap between Romanticism and movements like Surrealism and Expressionism.
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The Empress The High Priestess The Magician