Eight of Swords


The Eight of Swords tarot card represents feelings of being trapped, powerless, and restricted. It is a symbol of being stuck in a difficult situation, unable to move forward or see a way out. The Eight of Swords often appears in tarot readings when we are experiencing self-doubt or feeling victimised by external circumstances. It encourages us to recognise our own power and take steps to break free from our limitations.


The Eight of Swords is often depicted as a figure blindfolded and tied up, surrounded by eight swords. The swords represent the mental barriers that can keep us from seeing our situation clearly and making progress. The blindfold suggests that we may be limiting ourselves by our own thoughts and beliefs. The Eight of Swords is a reminder that we have the power to remove these mental barriers and find a way out of our difficult situation.

Reverse Meaning

When the Eight of Swords appears in reverse, it can indicate that we are starting to see a way out of our difficult situation. We may be gaining a new perspective or finding new opportunities for growth and change. The reverse Eight of Swords can also indicate that we are taking steps to break free from our limitations and move forward with confidence. It’s important to remember that we have the power to create our own reality, even in the face of difficult circumstances. The reverse Eight of Swords is a reminder that we can overcome our self-doubt and limitations and achieve our goals with determination and perseverance.8

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