Eight of Wands


The Eight of Wands tarot card is a symbol of swift action, progress, and communication. It represents a situation where we are experiencing a sudden burst of energy and momentum, allowing us to make rapid progress towards our goals. The Eight of Wands encourages us to seize this moment, take action, and communicate openly and honestly with those around us. It’s a card of swift progress, clear communication, and the ability to make things happen quickly.


The Eight of Wands is often depicted as eight wands flying through the air, representing the swift progress and sudden burst of energy that we are experiencing. The wands are moving towards a destination, symbolising the clarity and focus that we have on our goals. The clear blue sky in the background represents the open communication and honest dialogue that we are having with those around us, allowing us to move forward with confidence and clarity. The Eight of Wands is a reminder to take advantage of this moment of intense energy and make swift progress towards our goals.

Reverse Meaning

When the Eight of Wands appears in reverse in a tarot reading, it can indicate a delay in progress or a breakdown in communication. It might suggest that we are feeling stuck or blocked in our efforts to move forward or that there is confusion or miscommunication with those around us. The reverse Eight of Wands can also indicate a need to slow down and take a more deliberate approach. We may need to take a step back and reassess our goals and priorities or seek clarification from others to ensure that we are all on the same page. However, it’s important to remain focused and determined. We need to remember that we have the energy and momentum to make things happen after we have resolved any issues. The reverse Eight of Wands is a reminder to stay open and honest in our communication and to approach this situation with patience and a willingness to adapt our approach if necessary.

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