Four of Pentacles


The Four of Pentacles tarot card represents the feeling of holding onto what we have, even when it may not be enough. It symbolises a time of material possession and financial security, where we may feel the need to cling to our resources and guard them carefully. This card often appears in tarot readings when we are experiencing a period of stability and success, but we may also be struggling with the fear of loss or change. The Four of Pentacles encourages us to find a balance between holding onto what we have and being open to new opportunities.


The Four of Pentacles is often depicted as a figure holding onto four pentacles, with two under their feet and two on top of their head and hands. This symbolises the idea of being possessive and guarding our resources, but also the fear of losing them. The pentacles symbolise material wealth and success, but the emphasis is on the need to hold onto them. The Four of Pentacles reminds us that while it’s important to have stability and security, we also need to be open to change and growth.

Reverse Meaning

When the Four of Pentacles appears in reverse, it can indicate that we may be more open to new opportunities and experiences. We may be letting go of our fear of loss or change and embracing new possibilities. The reversed Four of Pentacles suggests that we need to find a balance between holding onto what we have and being open to new opportunities. It’s important to remember that while stability and security are important, they shouldn’t hold us back from exploring new paths. The reversed Four of Pentacles is a reminder that we can find success and growth by being open to change and embracing new opportunities.

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