Page of Cups


The Page of Cups tarot card represents emotional sensitivity, creativity, and intuition. It symbolises a new beginning of emotional exploration and inspiration, where we are open to receiving and expressing our deepest feelings with innocence and wonder. This card often appears in tarot readings when we are being called to explore our emotional side and seek guidance from our intuition. The Page of Cups encourages us to be receptive to new experiences, to trust our feelings and to act on our creative impulses.


The Page of Cups is often depicted as a young person holding a cup and standing by the sea. This symbolises the idea of emotional openness and the importance of being receptive to new experiences. The sea represents the vastness of our emotions, and the cup represents our ability to hold and channel those emotions into creative expression. The Page of Cups reminds us that when we are open and honest with ourselves and others about our feelings, we can achieve emotional fulfilment and creative satisfaction.

Reverse Meaning

When the Page of Cups appears in reverse, it can indicate that we are struggling to connect with our emotional side and express our creative impulses. We may be feeling closed off or disconnected from our inner selves, which can lead to a lack of emotional fulfilment and creative blockages. The reversed Page of Cups suggests that we need to take time to reflect on our feelings and seek guidance from our intuition. It’s important to remember that emotional expression takes courage and vulnerability, and that we need to be patient and kind with ourselves as we work towards achieving it. The reversed Page of Cups is a reminder that we can find emotional fulfilment and creative inspiration by connecting with our inner selves and being open to new experiences.

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