Queen of Swords


The Queen of Swords tarot card represents intelligence, wisdom, and the ability to make rational decisions. She is a symbol of clear communication and logical thinking, encouraging us to use our intellect to solve problems and make informed choices. The Queen of Swords often appears in tarot readings when we need to detach ourselves emotionally from a situation and approach it with a clear mind. She reminds us to be objective, practical, and honest in our dealings with others.


The Queen of Swords is often depicted as a regal figure seated on a throne, holding a sword in one hand. The sword symbolises the power of the mind and the Queen’s sharp intellect. Her head is often above the clouds, representing her ability to see things from a higher perspective and think objectively. The Queen of Swords is a reminder to use our intellect to cut through confusion and make rational decisions.

Reverse Meaning

When the Queen of Swords appears in reverse, it can indicate a lack of clarity or confusion in our thoughts and communication. We may be feeling overwhelmed or emotionally compromised, making it difficult to think and communicate clearly. The reverse Queen of Swords can also indicate that we are being too harsh or critical in our dealings with others, causing conflict and tension. It’s important to take a step back and reassess the situation before making any decisions. The reverse Queen of Swords is a reminder to be mindful of our thoughts and words, to approach situations with objectivity and compassion, and to communicate clearly and honestly.

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