The Seven of Swords tarot card is often associated with deceit, betrayal, and secrecy. It represents a situation where someone may be acting dishonestly or stealing something that doesn’t belong to them. It can also suggest that we are feeling guilty about something we have done in the past. The Seven of Swords often appears in tarot readings when we are facing a moral dilemma or struggling with the consequences of our actions. It encourages us to take responsibility for our choices and make amends if necessary.
The Seven of Swords is often depicted as a figure sneaking away with five swords, leaving two behind. The swords that are left behind represent the consequences of our actions, while the swords that are taken represent the benefits or gains that we may be seeking. The figure’s sneaky behaviour suggests that they may be acting without integrity or honesty, which can ultimately lead to negative consequences. The Seven of Swords is a reminder that our actions have consequences, and we must always consider the long-term effects of our choices.
Reverse Meaning
When the Seven of Swords appears in reverse, it can indicate that we are beginning to take responsibility for our actions and make amends for any harm we may have caused. We may be seeking forgiveness or trying to make things right. The reverse Seven of Swords can also suggest that we are being more honest and transparent in our dealings with others, which can help to rebuild trust and restore relationships. It’s important to remember that honesty and integrity are essential for healthy relationships and personal growth. The reverse Seven of Swords is a reminder that we can always choose to act with integrity and make choices that align with our values and beliefs.