Six of Pentacles


The Six of Pentacles tarot card represents the need for balance and generosity in our lives. It symbolises a time of giving and receiving, where we are asked to consider the needs of both ourselves and others. This card often appears in tarot readings when we are in the process of finding harmony in our relationships, finances, or personal growth. The Six of Pentacles encourages us to be open to both giving and receiving and to finding a healthy balance between the two.


The Six of Pentacles is often depicted as a wealthy man handing out coins to two beggars. This symbolises the act of giving and receiving, as well as the idea of balance and fairness. The pentacles symbolise material wealth, but the emphasis is on the act of sharing and giving rather than accumulating more for oneself. The Six of Pentacles reminds us that true abundance comes not only from what we receive but also from what we give to others.

Reverse Meaning

When the Six of Pentacles appears in reverse, it can indicate that we may be struggling with issues of generosity and balance. We may be feeling resentful or taken advantage of by others, or we may be hoarding our resources out of fear or greed. The reversed Six of Pentacles suggests that it’s time to reassess our approach and find ways to be more open and giving. It’s important to remember that true wealth comes not only from what we accumulate but also from what we share with others. The reversed Six of Pentacles is a reminder that generosity and balance are key to finding true abundance and fulfilment in our lives.

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