Ten of Cups


The Ten of Cups tarot card represents emotional fulfilment, harmony, and joy. It symbolises a state of contentment and happiness in our personal relationships, where we experience a deep sense of love and connection with those around us. This card often appears in tarot readings when we are called to appreciate our lives’ blessings and focus on the positive aspects of our relationships. The Ten of Cups encourages us to cultivate a sense of gratitude and to nurture the important relationships in our lives.


The Ten of Cups is often depicted as a family gathered together in a beautiful landscape, with a rainbow in the background. This symbolises the idea of emotional harmony and the importance of nurturing our relationships. The rainbow represents the culmination of our emotional efforts and the ultimate fulfilment of our desires. The Ten of Cups reminds us that when we cultivate healthy relationships and focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we can achieve emotional fulfilment and joy.

Reverse Meaning

When the Ten of Cups appears in reverse, it can indicate that we are experiencing disharmony or conflict in our personal relationships. We may be feeling disconnected or out of touch with our loved ones, which can lead to a sense of loneliness or isolation. The reversed Ten of Cups suggests that we need to take time to reflect on our relationships and address any underlying issues that may be causing tension. It’s important to remember that healthy relationships require effort and communication and that we need to be patient and compassionate with ourselves and others as we work towards achieving harmony. The reversed Ten of Cups is a reminder that we can find emotional fulfilment and joy by nurturing our relationships and focusing on the positive aspects of our lives.

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