Ten of Swords


The Ten of Swords tarot card represents an end to a difficult situation, betrayal, and painful transitions. It is a symbol of surrender, release, and acceptance, encouraging us to let go of what no longer serves us. The Ten of Swords often appears in tarot readings when we are experiencing a painful transition or betrayal. It reminds us that sometimes, things must fall apart completely before we can rebuild.


The Ten of Swords is often depicted as a person lying face down with ten swords piercing their back. The swords represent the pain, suffering, and betrayal that we may experience in life. The figure’s posture suggests surrender and acceptance, acknowledging that they have reached the end of their journey. The Ten of Swords is a reminder that endings are a natural part of life, and sometimes, we must let go of what no longer serves us.

Reverse Meaning

When the Ten of Swords appears in reverse, it can indicate that we are resisting an ending or having difficulty accepting a painful transition. We may be holding onto old patterns, relationships, or beliefs that are no longer serving us, causing us unnecessary pain and suffering. The reverse Ten of Swords can also indicate that we are avoiding the pain of an ending, which can prolong our suffering. It’s important to acknowledge our pain and allow ourselves to grieve before moving forward. The reverse Ten of Swords is a reminder to surrender and release what no longer serves us, even if it requires us to face painful endings.

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