The Devil tarot card represents a time of temptation, addiction, and bondage. It symbolises a time when we may be trapped in negative patterns of thought or behaviour, and we are forced to confront the truth about our attachments and addictions. This card often appears in tarot readings when we are going through a period of self-sabotage or self-deception, urging us to break free from the chains that bind us. The Devil reminds us that sometimes we need to confront our shadow selves in order to find true liberation.
The Devil is often depicted as a horned figure holding chains, with two people chained to him. This symbolises the idea of being trapped in negative patterns of thought or behaviour and the illusion of being controlled by external forces. The chains represent our attachments and addictions, and the horned figure represents our shadow selves. The people chained to the Devil represent the need to break free from our self-imposed limitations.
Reverse Meaning
When the Devil appears in reverse, it can indicate a time when we may be breaking free from negative patterns of thought or behaviour. We may be letting go of our attachments and addictions and seeking true freedom. The reversed Devil reminds us that we have the power to break free from our self-imposed limitations and find liberation. It’s important to confront our shadow selves and be honest with ourselves about our attachments and addictions. This may involve seeking out new perspectives and ideas or letting go of relationships and situations that no longer serve us. The reversed Devil is a reminder that sometimes we need to confront our shadow selves in order to find true liberation.