The Hanged Man


The Hanged Man tarot card represents a period of suspension, surrender, and letting go. It symbolises a need to pause, reflect, and gain a new perspective on our lives. The Hanged Man encourages us to release control, trust in the universe, and allow ourselves to be transformed through the experience. It’s a card of sacrifice, enlightenment, and spiritual growth.


The Hanged Man is often depicted as a figure hanging upside down by one foot from a tree or scaffold. This position represents a state of surrender and a willingness to let go of old patterns and beliefs. The Hanged Man’s calm facial expression symbolises acceptance and peace with the situation. The tree behind him represents the world tree, the axis mundi, or the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. The Hanged Man’s inverted position also represents a shift in perspective, which can lead to enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Reverse Meaning

When the Hanged Man appears in reverse in a tarot reading, it can indicate a resistance to change or a fear of letting go. It might suggest that we are holding onto old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve us. The reverse Hanged Man can also indicate a lack of surrender and acceptance, which can lead to feelings of frustration and stagnation. It’s a warning sign that we might need to take a step back, reevaluate our situation, and release control in order to move forward. The Hanged Man, in reverse, can also represent a reluctance to go deep within and confront our innermost fears and desires. We should approach this card with a willingness to let go of what no longer serves us and trust in the universe to guide us towards spiritual growth.

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