Two of Swords


The Two of Swords tarot card is often associated with difficult decisions and the need to make a choice. It represents a situation where we may be feeling stuck or indecisive, only able to move forward if we make a tough call. This card often appears in tarot readings when we are at a crossroads in our lives and we must choose between two options that seem equally challenging. The Two of Swords encourages us to trust our intuition and make a decision that aligns with our values and beliefs.


The Two of Swords is often depicted as a woman blindfolded and holding two swords crossed in front of her. The blindfold symbolises the need to look inward and trust our inner wisdom rather than relying solely on external factors. The crossed swords represent the difficult decision we must make and the need to balance our emotions and logic to find the right solution. The calm waters in the background symbolise the need for peace and clarity as we navigate this decision.

Reverse Meaning

When the Two of Swords appears in reverse, it can indicate that we may be avoiding making a difficult decision, causing us to feel stuck or stagnant. We may be afraid of making the wrong choice or fear the consequences of our decision. The reverse Two of Swords suggests that it’s time to take action and move forward, even if it means taking a risk. It’s important to trust ourselves and our abilities to handle whatever comes our way. The reverse Two of Swords is a reminder that there is power in making a choice, and it’s better to take action than to remain in a state of indecision.

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