Two of Wands


The Two of Wands tarot card represents the balance between planning and taking action. It signifies a time to make decisions, evaluate options and weigh the consequences before moving forward. The Two of Wands encourages us to have a clear view of our goals and to be prepared to take calculated risks to achieve them. It’s a card of decision-making, courage, and the importance of taking the first step towards our goals.


The Two of Wands is often depicted as a figure standing on a balcony, holding a wand in one hand and looking out into the distance. This represents the sense of planning and evaluation, as well as the need for a clear view of our goals. The figure is often dressed in clothes that symbolise wealth and prosperity, which indicates that the future is promising. The globe, on the other hand, symbolises the power of choice and the potential for expansion. The Two of Wands is a reminder to take the time to assess our options, to trust our instincts, and to be ready to take the first step towards our goals.

Reverse Meaning

When the Two of Wands appears in reverse in a tarot reading, it can indicate confusion or indecisiveness. It might suggest that we are feeling overwhelmed and unsure of which path to take. The reverse Two Wands can also indicate a lack of confidence or fear of failure, which may be holding us back from making a decision. We may need to take a step back and reevaluate our goals before we can move forward. However, it’s important to remember the importance of taking action and being courageous in the face of uncertainty. The reverse Two of Wands is a reminder to trust our instincts, to believe in ourselves, and to take the first step towards achieving our goals.

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