The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith

The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith is a good resource for those who want to deepen their knowledge about Tarot and its history. The quality is good but some things could have been better.

I recently bought The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith. I got so excited about it that I would like to share it with you in this post. It is an essential addition to any serious Tarot enthusiast’s collection, so let’s take a closer look!

I have been collecting tarot and oracle cards for about 15 years. I started with a random deck from a bookstore, which I bought purely for the aesthetics. At the time, I knew nothing about how the cards were used, but I was willing to try them. Since then, my collection has grown significantly and shows no signs of stopping.

However, after all this time, I was still missing one important deck – the original Waite-Smith deck. At the time, I hadn’t been that serious about my collection and didn’t see the need for an old deck. Looking back, I admit that this was not my proudest thought. I had only read deck guidebooks that never mentioned the original deck and never delved into the history myself.

Later in life, my interest in Tarot and its history deepened when I started blogging and, in the process, learning more about the subject. I was amazed at the symbolism and clarity of the original deck. It was eye-opening.

So, without further ado, if you’re looking for a comprehensive Tarot kit suitable for both beginners and advanced users, look no further than this unique collection. It includes a complete deck of Waite Smith Tarot cards, Waite’s famous companion book, The Key to the Tarot, compiled by Johannes Fiebig, and other useful materials.

About the Authors

Johannes Fiebig, a successful Tarot author, has sold over 2 million copies of his books, which have been translated into over a dozen languages. Fiebig is known for his expertise in psychological interpretation and for co-founding the Königsfurt publishing house. He now works independently in Kiel.

Mary K. Greer is a renowned Tarot scholar, author, and advisor with over 30 years of experience. Greer’s book “Tarot for Your Self” was groundbreaking in personal transformation and empowerment. She also co-authored “Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story” and runs a popular Tarot blog. Rachel Pollack, a prolific author and artist, created the Shining Tribe Tarot and has written several books on Tarot that have been translated into 15 languages. Robert A. Gilbert, a prolific author and editor, specializes in Western esotericism, including the work of Arthur E. Waite and the history of the Order of the Golden Dawn. Gilbert resides in Somerset, England.

What’s in the Box?

The box set consists of a large book containing valuable information, a facsimile edition of the original Waite-Smith Tarot deck and a facsimile edition of The Key to the Tarot. The book and box covers are wrapped in linen material, with a Tarot card attached to each. The World card is fixed on the box, and the Lovers card is affixed to the book. These elements contribute to the collector’s edition feel of the box set. The book’s paper quality is good, but my copy had some scratch-like quality issues with one or two pages.

The main content of this box is the essays. In the essay by Rachel Pollack, you will discover how Waite-Smith Tarot cards can be psychological mirrors. The book also includes other essays that provide a peek into the lives, works, and passions of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite, who created the modern Tarot deck in London in 1909. Mary K. Greer and Robert A. Gilbert are the writers of these essays, and they do a good job of bringing history back to life. If you’re interested in the history of the Waite-Smith deck itself, Johanne Fiebig’s essay on its history is what you’re looking for.

What is the Deck Like?

As soon as I held the deck in my hand, I felt a sense of history. The paper quality is quite good, and the cards are easy to shuffle. However, the deck box is quite disappointing. The box is poorly made, and I had a hard time opening it without damaging it. I even searched online and found out that I was not the only one with this problem. So, if you’re planning use the deck box, be careful when opening it for the first time.

The artwork on the cards is the golden standard of tarot cards but still impressive, as one would expect from the original Waite-Smith deck. The symbolism used in the deck is simply brilliant and thought-provoking. If you’re interested in understanding the symbolism, be sure to refer to the step-by-step guide included in the kit’s book. The guide is one of the best features of the kit and can help you better understand the cards. Also, be sure to take a look at the spreads at the end of the book!

The Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite accompanies the deck and provides detailed explanations of each card, its symbolic meanings, and its significance in different types of readings. The book also includes illustrations of each card and several sample spreads for readers to practice with. However, I recommend this book to someone who already knows the Tarot and wants to deepen their understanding.


Overall, this tarot kit is a must-have for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of tarot and its cultural significance. It is a big heavy box, so you really need it. However, it is specifically the beautifully designed collector’s box that makes it excellent for Tarot enthusiasts. It has some minor issues, but I think it’s good enough for the price.

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