Table of Contents
Welcome to a journey into the esoteric world of demonolatry. Demons are one of those things that many people have preconceived notions about. Often, these preconceptions are shaped by Christianity and are negative without any real justification. In reality, demonolatry is more about working with concepts or energies, and demons are not beasts that eat our souls. However, demonolatry should be taken seriously and should only be practised with adequate preparation. This blog post is intended to serve as a starting point for those interested in demonology and as a practical guide for those who wish to learn more about modern demonolatry.
Ars Goetia and Understanding the Basic Terms
Let’s start from the very basics. Ars Goetia is an important part of the 17th-century grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon. It is also central to the practice of demonolatry. Ars Goetia catalogues 72 demons, providing details about their names, ranks, attributes, and instructions for summoning and working with them. For demonolators, the Ars Goetia offers a structured framework for studying the demons.
The problem with Ars Goetia is that it does not provide sufficient tools for demonolatry because it is based on a Christian view of controlling demons. Most modern demonolators agree that demonolatry, on the other hand, focuses on respecting, worshipping and working harmoniously with demonic forces. So, the perspective is quite different. Nevertheless, the descriptions, attributes and hierarchies in Ars Goetia provide valuable insights and practical guidelines from which to build more modern rituals and practices.
Before we explore the practices of demonolatry, it’s important to understand the correct terminology. Many people confuse demonolatry with demonology, so don’t worry if you sometimes make the same mistake. It’s not the end of the world. While both involve demons, there is a significant difference. Demonology is the study of demons, whereas demonolatry is the worship of demons and the practices surrounding them. I have gathered some of the most important terms in the table below.
Term | Definition |
Demon/Daemon/Daimon | A lesser spirit or god. The term comes from the Greek “daimon,” which means divine power. |
Demonic | Being as or resembling a demon. |
Demoniac | A person possessed by demons. |
Demonocracy | The hierarchy or government of demons. |
Demonographer | Someone who studies and records the history and descriptions of demons. |
Demonography | The history and description of demons. |
Demonolator/Demonolatress | A practitioner of Demonolatry. |
Demonolatry | The worship of demons and/or practising ritual magic with the aid of demons. |
Demonologist | A person who studies and catalogues demons is also known as a Demonographer. |
Demonology | The study and cataloguing of demons. |
Demonomancy | Divination using demons often involves the summoning of demons. |
What is Demonolatry?
The practice of demonolatry involves worshipping and invoking demons or elemental forces to help fulfil one’s will through ritual magic. Some practitioners claim to communicate with and even see these demons. In many demonolatry traditions, demons are viewed as neutral entities embodying both good and bad aspects. However, some are thought to be more malevolent than others.
Many people think of Satan and Lucifer when they think of demons, as they are often associated with Christian mythology. However, neither is a part of the 72 demons listed in Ars Goetia. Instead, Satan means “adversary,” while Lucifer means “The Light Bringer.” What’s more, Lucifer is possibly originally a pre-Christian pagan sun god. In demonolatry, many of the demons are actually pre-Christian gods. They are revered for their elemental forces and represent the darker aspects of nature.
Although demonolatry is sometimes associated with Satanism, there are distinctions. Modern Satanists tend to view Satan as a symbol rather than an entity, while demonolators often worship or work with specific demons as elemental forces. Typically, each practitioner of demonolatry chooses a demon as their patron deity, often viewing them as focal points of pure energy. In short, demonolatry combines magical practice and religion, emphasising personalisation, unlike LaVeyan Satanism, which is primarily philosophical.

Practical Aspects of Demonolatry
Rituals and ceremonies form the basis of demonolatry. They can vary widely, depending on the practitioner’s tradition and personal preferences. Some may involve elaborate ceremonies with specific chants, symbols, and offerings to invoke and honour a particular demon. These rituals often take place in carefully prepared sacred spaces, sometimes including altars adorned with sigils, candles, and other ritual tools. On the other hand, some rituals might be simple meditative practices focused on connecting with a particular demon or elemental force. These meditations can help the practitioner attune themselves to the energies of the demon, fostering a deeper spiritual connection.
Offerings are a significant aspect of demonolatry. You can show respect and build a relationship with the demon with them. Common offerings can include incense, candles, food, drink, or other items that hold personal significance to the practitioner or are traditionally associated with the particular demon being honoured. The act of making offerings is not just about giving but also about creating a reciprocal relationship where the practitioner offers something of value and, in return, receives guidance, protection, or assistance from the demon.
Divination is another common practice among demonolators, used to receive guidance and insights from demons. This can include various methods like scrying, where practitioners gaze into a reflective surface such as a mirror or crystal ball to receive visions; tarot, where cards are used to reveal messages from the demons; or other occult practices like runes or pendulums. These divinatory practices can provide clarity, advice, and foresight, helping practitioners navigate their spiritual and mundane lives.
Demonolatry is often seen as a path to personal empowerment and growth. By working with demons, practitioners seek to harness their own inner power and gain deeper insights into their own nature and the universe. The relationship with demons can serve as a mirror, reflecting the practitioner’s strengths and weaknesses and providing opportunities for self-improvement and transformation. Through rituals, meditations, and interactions with demons, practitioners can develop a stronger sense of self, greater confidence, and a more profound understanding of their place in the cosmos. You need to be careful, tho. If you are not ready to go deep into yourself and the darkness inside you, you might end up hurting your mental health.
Many demonolators emphasise personal responsibility and ethics in their practice. While curses and hexes are not uncommon, they are typically reserved for situations of justice or protection rather than petty revenge. Practitioners are encouraged to carefully consider the consequences of their actions and to ensure that any magical workings are justified and aligned with their ethical beliefs. This focus on ethics helps prevent the misuse of power. It ensures that the practitioner’s actions align with their spiritual path.
While some Demonolators prefer solitary practice, finding that working alone allows for a more personal and introspective experience, there are also communities and covens where individuals can share knowledge, perform group rituals, and support each other’s spiritual journeys. These communities can provide a sense of belonging and camaraderie, offering opportunities for learning and growth through shared experiences and collective energy. Group rituals can be particularly powerful, combining the intentions and energies of multiple practitioners to achieve a common goal.
Common Misconceptions
One of the most common misconceptions is that demonolatry equates to evil and malevolence. This notion largely stems from Christian mythology and popular culture. However, in demonolatry, demons are seen as neutral forces that can be called upon for various purposes, much like the elements of nature. Demonolatry teaches that demons embody the natural energies and forces of the universe, and working with them is about understanding and channelling these forces, not about committing evil acts.
Another widespread myth is the idea of selling your soul to demons. In reality, demonolatry involves a respectful exchange of energy, not the forfeiture of one’s soul. Practitioners believe in forming reciprocal relationships with demons, exchanging offerings and respect for guidance, protection, or assistance. This relationship is built on mutual respect and understanding rather than fear and subjugation.
Physical sacrifice is another misconception often associated with demonolatry. Contrary to popular belief, physical sacrifices, particularly those involving harm to animals or humans, are not part of demonolatry. Offerings might include incense, candles, food, or other items that are personally significant to the practitioner or are traditionally associated with the honoured demon. These offerings are intended to show respect and build a positive relationship with the demon.
These misconceptions can often overshadow the true principles and practices of demonolatry, which emphasise personal responsibility, ethical conduct, and spiritual growth. By dispelling these myths, we can appreciate demonolatry as a complex and deeply personal spiritual path that seeks to harmonise the practitioner’s inner and outer worlds through respectful and knowledgeable interaction with demonic entities.

Starting Your Journey
One of the best ways to begin your journey is by reading about demonolatry, its history, and practices. Familiarise yourself with texts that explore the foundational aspects of working with demons, their attributes, and how they interact with the practitioner. Look into modern interpretations and experiences shared by contemporary demonolators. Research is important for building a solid understanding of the principles. I suggest anything from S. Connolly.
The next step is to take time to reflect on your intentions and what you hope to achieve through demonolatry. Consider why you are drawn to this path and what you seek to gain from it. Demonolatry requires dedication and a clear sense of purpose, as it involves working with powerful spiritual entities. Understanding your motivations will help you remain focused and committed to your practice.
If possible, connect with experienced demonolators who can provide guidance and support. A mentor can offer valuable insights, answer your questions, and help you navigate the complexities of demonolatry. Whether you find a mentor through local spiritual communities, online forums, or social media groups, having an experienced practitioner to turn to can significantly enhance your learning and confidence.
When you are ready to start your practice, do it with simple rituals and offerings. Choose a demon that resonates with you and perform basic rituals to honour and connect with them. Use items such as candles, incense, and symbolic offerings with personal significance. As you become more comfortable with these initial practices, gradually explore more complex ceremonies and divination methods. The key is progressing at your own pace, allowing your understanding and skills to develop naturally.
Remember to document your experiences, thoughts, and any guidance you receive in a dedicated journal. This practice of recording your journey will help you track your progress, identify patterns, and deepen your understanding of demonolatry. Journaling can also serve as a valuable tool for reflection and self-discovery, providing insights into your spiritual growth and the evolving nature of your relationships with the demons you work with.
Following these steps, you can begin your journey into demonolatry with a strong foundation and a clear sense of direction. Remember that this path is deeply personal and unique to each practitioner, so embrace your individuality and trust in your own experiences and insights as you explore this powerful spiritual practice.
Exploring demonolatry is a transformative journey that connects you with ancient forces. Approach it with respect, preparation, and an open mind. Consider your motivations, do thorough research, and seek guidance from experienced practitioners. Whether practising alone or in a community, prioritise ethical considerations, personal responsibility, and genuine spiritual growth. Embrace the darkness with wisdom and respect, and let it illuminate the path to your true self.