Tag Goetic Demons

Person in smoke cloud

How to Begin Working with Goetic Spirits

This comprehensive guide for beginners provides detailed, practical steps for working with Goetic spirits, covering thorough study, mental and space preparation, ritual framework construction (including casting and breaking the circle and the Triangle of Art), meditation techniques, and methods to recognize subtle spiritual manifestations while observing key warnings and ethical precautions.

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An Introduction to Demonolatry

Demonolatry is a spiritual practice focused on forming respectful relationships with demonic entities as neutral forces with both good and bad aspects. It involves rituals, meditative practices, and offerings. The foundational text, Ars Goetia, provides a framework for studying demons, but modern demonolators emphasise working harmoniously with them. Newcomers can start with thorough research, clear intentions, and guidance from experienced practitioners to build an ethical and enriching practice aimed at personal empowerment and spiritual growth.

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Occult Tarot

Occult Tarot

The Occult Tarot is a full tarot deck featuring 72 demons from Ars Goetia and six additional ruling demons. The cards have a traditional art style resembling old grimoires, and each card contains a lot of information, including the demon's abilities and a collection of seals and sigils from different sources. The deck serves as a quick reference to Goetic demons and their abilities, but the guidebook is lacking and doesn't provide much additional information beyond what is already on the cards. Despite this, it is a well-made deck with sturdy cards and decent paper quality.

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Goetia - Tarot in Darkness Deck

Goetia: Tarot in Darkness

The Goetia: Tarot in Darkness is a tarot deck designed for those interested in goetic demons. It comes with visually appealing cards and a guidebook that could have been better. The deck can be used as a traditional tarot deck but also as a goetic ritual tool. The artwork is unique and well-suited to the theme. The guidebook covers topics such as Goetia, Kabbalah, Qlippoth, and the use of the cards. It's recommended to read the Ars Goetia to fully experience the potential of this deck.

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