The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith
The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith is a good resource for those who want to deepen their knowledge about Tarot and its history. The quality is good but some things could have been better.
Where Art Meets Arcana
Where Art Meets Arcana
As someone who’s passionate about tarot and oracle decks, I’ve ended up accumulating quite a few of them over the years. In order to justify keeping them all, I’ve started writing short reviews of each deck to share with others. My hope is that these reviews will be helpful to fellow tarot enthusiasts who are considering buying a new deck or anyone who’s simply curious about what different decks have to offer. So, if you’re looking for some guidance on which decks to add to your collection or just want to learn more about the ones you already own, feel free to check out my reviews!
The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith is a good resource for those who want to deepen their knowledge about Tarot and its history. The quality is good but some things could have been better.
Notoria: Tarot in Light deck is a tarot deck created by Fabio Listrani and published by Lo Scarabeo. It features angels and other beings of light from the lore of Ars Notoria, which is the fifth book of the Lesser Key of Solomon. The deck comes with a visually appealing deck box and comprises 78 cards, each measuring 70x120 mm. The artwork shows angels and other beings of light with an intriguing 3D feel, and the colour scheme is red, gold, and white. The accompanying guidebook provides some background information about topics such as the ranks of angels and Sephiroth, as well as small sections about each card. The deck is specifically designed for those interested in working with angels. It can be used as a complementary deck to the Goetia: Tarot in Darkness deck or as a standalone deck for divination sessions or rituals concerning angelic magic.
The Goetia: Tarot in Darkness is a tarot deck designed for those interested in goetic demons. It comes with visually appealing cards and a guidebook that could have been better. The deck can be used as a traditional tarot deck but also as a goetic ritual tool. The artwork is unique and well-suited to the theme. The guidebook covers topics such as Goetia, Kabbalah, Qlippoth, and the use of the cards. It's recommended to read the Ars Goetia to fully experience the potential of this deck.
The Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle deck is a visually stunning and meaningful deck that captures the essence of the Yule season. It consists of 44 standard-sized cards with shiny green gilt edges and a semi-gloss finish, featuring beautiful artwork inspired by nature and magical symbolism. The deck has a clear and consistent Yule theme running throughout, and each card is tied to a specific aspect of the season. The guidebook is extensive and provides valuable information about the deck's design, authors, and artists as well as comprehensive explanations of each card's meaning and Yule-related spreads.
The Divina Serenity Oracle Deck is an oracle deck designed by Christopher Lee. With its unique blend of AI technology and human touch, this deck features stunning artwork and a soothing aesthetic that transports you to a world of stories. Read on to learn more about the deck's pros and cons, the creator behind it, and my thoughts on the guidebook.
The Fablemaker's Animated Tarot Deck is a unique deck of cards that incorporates lenticular technology into the cards, making each card feature an 8-frame looping animation that comes to life when the cards are tilted. The deck includes all 78 Major and Minor Arcana cards, and the set comes with an easy-to-follow guidebook explaining each card's meaning. The deck's innovative approach to tarot, combined with the guidebook, makes it an excellent tool for beginners looking to learn tarot. The deck's artwork is visually stunning, captivating, and memorable, thanks to the brilliant work of Kamille Areopagita, Kevin Areopagita, Liam Gregg, and Meredith Smallwood.
I recently read Nick Bantock's book, Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence, and discovered his oracle deck called The Archeo. As someone who appreciates surrealistic art, I was fascinated by his unique approach to creating a novel using postcards and including surrealistic pictures. I was excited to explore his oracle deck and see if it lived up to my expectations. In this post, I will share my experience with the deck and give you my review of it.
The Solitary Witch Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Lady Viktoria is an excellent deck for beginners starting their witchcraft journey. In this review, I will go through the deck and explain what makes it so good. Get a cup of tea and be ready for some moonlight mood.
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