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Deck Box of the Season of the Witch - Yule Oracle

Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle

The Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle deck is a visually stunning and meaningful deck that captures the essence of the Yule season. It consists of 44 standard-sized cards with shiny green gilt edges and a semi-gloss finish, featuring beautiful artwork inspired by nature and magical symbolism. The deck has a clear and consistent Yule theme running throughout, and each card is tied to a specific aspect of the season. The guidebook is extensive and provides valuable information about the deck's design, authors, and artists as well as comprehensive explanations of each card's meaning and Yule-related spreads.

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view of brown ruin during daytime

Ancient Greek and Hellenistic Art

Both Ancient Greek and Hellenistic art have made a significant impact on Western art and society. Ancient Greek art was focused on humanism, portraying a realistic yet idealised human form, while Hellenistic art was characterised by emotional intensity, realistic illusions, and theatricality. Greek artists were renowned for their skill in working with multiple materials, including marble, bronze, terracotta, and gold, and their attention to detail. Pottery, produced in large quantities, was also a significant aspect of Ancient Greek art. In addition, Ancient Greek architecture is characterised by its simplicity, symmetry, and use of columns and pediments.

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4 Kerzen

Wheel of the Year – Yule

Yule is one of the eight Pagan holidays in the Wheel of the Year. It marks the winter solstice, which is the longest night of the year. This festival originated in ancient pagan festivals in Scandinavian and Germanic cultures. It was a time to celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Some Yule traditions include lighting the Yule log, decorating evergreen trees, giving gifts, giving acts of kindness, and spending time with loved ones. Yule rituals focus on reflection, renewal, and hope. They may include burning a wreath, a candlelight vigil to honour loved ones who have passed away, or a meditation on hopes and dreams for the coming year. Yule's message is about spreading joy and kindness to those around you.

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Egyptian Art

Ancient Egyptian Art

From monumental sculptures and grand temples to intricate jewellery and painted murals, Egyptian art has captivated people for centuries and continues to do so even today. The art of ancient Egypt is characterized by a consistent and iconic style that portrays religion, pharaohs, and the afterlife. So, join me on this journey as we uncover the secrets of hieroglyphs, pyramids, and everything in between.

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