Tag King of Hell

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68. Belial

Belial appears as a beautiful angel riding a chariot pulled by fire-breathing dragons and speaks sweetly, but he is known to break his promises to magicians. Those who manage to gain his true favour, however, are handsomely rewarded with good familiars and other favours.

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45. Vine

Vine excels in the revelation of hidden knowledge and secrets, making him a valuable asset for practitioners seeking to uncover concealed truths. Vine is known for his ability to expose witches and their activities, acting as a revealer of the unseen and a keeper of knowledge concerning the past, present, and future.

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9. Paimon

Paimon is an expert in the arts, sciences, and secrets and is known to be a repository of knowledge. His unique ability is to make people obedient and compliant to the magician who summons him.

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