62. Valac
Valac appears as a small boy with angel wings riding on a two-headed dragon. Valac is known to provide accurate answers about hidden treasures, reveal the location of serpents and deliver them safely to the magician.
Where Art Meets Arcana
Where Art Meets Arcana
Valac appears as a small boy with angel wings riding on a two-headed dragon. Valac is known to provide accurate answers about hidden treasures, reveal the location of serpents and deliver them safely to the magician.
Zagan possesses the power to make men clever and witty. He can also turn water into wine, blood into oil, oil into water, and wine into water or blood. Furthermore, Zagan can turn any metal into money.
Amy is known for his vast knowledge of the liberal sciences and astrology. He is considered a valuable source of esoteric wisdom and insights into the celestial realm. Additionally, Amy has the ability to provide magicians with good familiars, which are supernatural entities that can help in magical practices.
Ose is an expert in teaching liberal sciences and can provide answers related to divine and secret matters. He can also transform individuals into any desired shape. However, he can induce temporary insanity and delusions in people.
Caim is skilled in dispute resolution and assists in settling conflicts among individuals. His knowledge extends to understanding the songs of birds, the lowing of cattle, the barking of dogs, and the voice of water. He is also capable of offering accurate insights into future events.
One of Hagenti's remarkable abilities is the transformation of substances. He has the power to turn wine into water and can transmute base metals into gold, making him a valuable source of alchemical knowledge.
Maplhas is skilled in construction and demolition, a master strategist who can quickly gather deceivers. He can also disrupt his summoner's enemies' plans and ambitions by influencing their thoughts, desires, and achievements.
Gaap teaches liberal sciences and philosophy, as well as incite love and hatred and manipulate human perception. He can provide true answers about the past, present, and future and can separate magicians from their familiars.
Foras is known for his wide range of abilities, which encompass a wide spectrum of knowledge and supernatural powers. He can teach seekers the intricacies of logic, ethics, and the virtues associated with herbs and precious stones. He can also render people invisible, offering the gift of stealth and secrecy.
Glasya-Labolas can make people invisible and have clairvoyance. He can provide knowledge but can also incite violence.
Marax is a vast source of knowledge, providing insights into astronomy, liberal sciences, herbalism, and gemstone lore.
Botis is a skilled clairvoyant who can perceive the past, present, and future. People seek his insights into events beyond human understanding. He is also known for reconciling friends and enemies as a mediator, fostering harmony among conflicting parties.
Buer imparts knowledge and wisdom in various domains, including moral and natural philosophy, the logical arts, and an understanding of the virtues of herbs and plants. He is also renowned for his healing abilities, offering solace to those suffering from various ailments and disorders.
Marbas is renowned for his profound knowledge of hidden and secret matters. He has the power to reveal concealed information, which can be invaluable to those seeking esoteric or mysterious insights. Additionally, he possesses the ability to influence matters of health and disease.
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